How to Deliver Even More Value with Your Native Advertising Content
RevContent Team
Updated On:
February 21, 2025
More and more, we are seeing businesses engaging in contentmarketing as part of their overall inbound marketing strategy. By deliveringuseful content to the right audiences, you can build brand recognition, improveyour SEO, and increase conversions. Incorporate these tips into your inboundmarketing strategy for native advertising success.
Identify Key Demographics:
It doesn’t really matter if you’re targeting families goingon vacation or millennials buying a house for the first time, it’s crucial tounderstand your audience and what resonates with them. Start by creating buyerpersonas for your audience and then identify the pain points they experiencewhen shopping for your product or service. This data will drive your contentmarketing campaigns.
Use a Content Discovery Platform to Deliver Your Content to the Right Audience
As you identify your audience, you’ll also find out wherethey hang out online. Sure, families planning a trip may visit travel websites,but they are also likely to read top parenting blogs. Millennials looking tobuy a home might visit personal finance or budgeting websites.
Content discovery platforms place your native advertising inprominent spots on top websites where it can naturally blend into the editorialcontent on the page.
Follow Content Marketing Best Practices
The same elements that appeal to website visitors alsodeliver value in native advertising; this includes reading content marketingarticles and other assets as part of your strategic inbound marketingcampaign. To ensure best practices, your content marketing strategy shouldinclude:
- Listicles
- Short, service-oriented pieces
- Catchy headlines that promise to solve a problem
- Engaging stories about people with similarwants, needs, and challenges as your target demographic
Native advertising like content recommendations shouldblend into the content marketing landscape; in other words, content thatlooks similar to the consumers’ favorite blogs will build trust for your brandand increase engagement.
Remember, content marketing shouldn’t always take a hardsales approach; instead, inform readers about ways to overcome the challengesthey face with anecdotes, digestible tips, and actionable insights.
Let Your Ad Network Move Readers Down the Sales Funnel
Ad networks like RevContent excel in pinpointing your targetaudience due to their renowned content discovery platform. This platformdelivers outstanding native advertising that will inform, entertain and,ultimately sell.
Through retargeting techniques and our wide variety ofpublisher partners, our native advertising campaigns reach the right audiencesto yield a better click-through rate and higher ROI.
Learn more about how we can help you get your contentmarketing into the right hands.